Face Pack for Glowing Skin

Although everyone says dot judge a book by its cover but when it come's to looking good I completely recommend everyone taking very good care of the skin. Most of the people spend a lot of money on costly skin care products without realizing how much harm it does to the skin in the long run. Today I am recommending and amazing homemade face pack for glowing skin and most of the ingredients are available in the kitchen itself 

1) 2 Tablespoon Milk 
2) 5 Almonds (Soaked overnight)
3) Saffron 5-6 leaves 

Grind it into a paste form and apply it on the face and leave it on for 15-20 mins   then wash it off with cold water. 

Repeat this once a week and you will definitely get really glowing skin.. Do post your pictures with the results and and if you have any questions !!! 



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