Navratri Upay
Panchang october 2010
A small Walk..
एक अधुरा सपना
छोटे छोटे नन्हे कदमो को जिनने चलते देखा,
सपनो के महलो को भी उनने गिरते देखा ll
रोया तो दिल बहुत होगा उनका पर ,
फिर भी पहले बचो का सुख देखा ll
पर पूछो उनके दिलों से की कब कब उनकी आखे सोयी है ,
जब जब तुम रोये हो तन्हाई में ll
जिन्दगीं के सफ़र में जब दर्द तुम्हे हुआ कभी ,
सच यही है की उनकी अखे रोई है ll
सपनो के महलो को भी उनने गिरते देखा ll
रोया तो दिल बहुत होगा उनका पर ,
फिर भी पहले बचो का सुख देखा ll
पर पूछो उनके दिलों से की कब कब उनकी आखे सोयी है ,
जब जब तुम रोये हो तन्हाई में ll
जिन्दगीं के सफ़र में जब दर्द तुम्हे हुआ कभी ,
सच यही है की उनकी अखे रोई है ll
Ambulance Driver ...... Hats off to you people
I was walking in a fully traffic jam packed road ,people were blowing horns like crazy. I was Just wondering how would the blowing horn help. All of them were probably trying to run to their respective destinations... suddenly i heard the ambulance horn .... people started making way for the same ..... I felt a rush of emotions pass through me .... The day we were taking my grand dad back to the hospital came right in front of my eyes.... as if all was happening all over again.... I became a worried for who so ever was in the van ... n prayed for him to get well soon.....
when finally the ambulance had gone a thought came to my mind , we get worried by just seeing an ambulance ... Just think about the driver who is driving it. He is inside it with the burden of a life on his shoulder .. n not just once but several times in a day.... its like winning a war everytime mission is accomplised..... he is the saviour for many people.... but still we thank the doctor ...... ???? how ironic.....
dear Ambulance Drivers ...... Hats off to you people
The Poem I love The mOst
मेरा नया बचपन
बार-बार आती है मुझको मधुर याद बचपन तेरी।
गया ले गया तू जीवन की सबसे मस्त खुशी मेरी॥
चिंता-रहित खेलना-खाना वह फिरना निर्भय स्वच्छंद।
कैसे भूला जा सकता है बचपन का अतुलित आनंद?
ऊँच-नीच का ज्ञान नहीं था छुआछूत किसने जानी?
बनी हुई थी वहाँ झोंपड़ी और चीथड़ों में रानी॥
किये दूध के कुल्ले मैंने चूस अँगूठा सुधा पिया।
किलकारी किल्लोल मचाकर सूना घर आबाद किया॥
रोना और मचल जाना भी क्या आनंद दिखाते थे।
बड़े-बड़े मोती-से आँसू जयमाला पहनाते थे॥
मैं रोई, माँ काम छोड़कर आईं, मुझको उठा लिया।
झाड़-पोंछ कर चूम-चूम कर गीले गालों को सुखा दिया॥
दादा ने चंदा दिखलाया नेत्र नीर-युत दमक उठे।
धुली हुई मुस्कान देख कर सबके चेहरे चमक उठे॥
वह सुख का साम्राज्य छोड़कर मैं मतवाली बड़ी हुई।
लुटी हुई, कुछ ठगी हुई-सी दौड़ द्वार पर खड़ी हुई॥
लाजभरी आँखें थीं मेरी मन में उमँग रँगीली थी।
तान रसीली थी कानों में चंचल छैल छबीली थी॥
दिल में एक चुभन-सी भी थी यह दुनिया अलबेली थी।
मन में एक पहेली थी मैं सब के बीच अकेली थी॥
मिला, खोजती थी जिसको हे बचपन! ठगा दिया तूने।
अरे! जवानी के फंदे में मुझको फँसा दिया तूने॥
सब गलियाँ उसकी भी देखीं उसकी खुशियाँ न्यारी हैं।
प्यारी, प्रीतम की रँग-रलियों की स्मृतियाँ भी प्यारी हैं॥
माना मैंने युवा-काल का जीवन खूब निराला है।
आकांक्षा, पुरुषार्थ, ज्ञान का उदय मोहनेवाला है॥
किंतु यहाँ झंझट है भारी युद्ध-क्षेत्र संसार बना।
चिंता के चक्कर में पड़कर जीवन भी है भार बना॥
आ जा बचपन! एक बार फिर दे दे अपनी निर्मल शांति।
व्याकुल व्यथा मिटानेवाली वह अपनी प्राकृत विश्रांति॥
वह भोली-सी मधुर सरलता वह प्यारा जीवन निष्पाप।
क्या आकर फिर मिटा सकेगा तू मेरे मन का संताप?
मैं बचपन को बुला रही थी बोल उठी बिटिया मेरी।
नंदन वन-सी फूल उठी यह छोटी-सी कुटिया मेरी॥
'माँ ओ' कहकर बुला रही थी मिट्टी खाकर आयी थी।
कुछ मुँह में कुछ लिये हाथ में मुझे खिलाने लायी थी॥
पुलक रहे थे अंग, दृगों में कौतुहल था छलक रहा।
मुँह पर थी आह्लाद-लालिमा विजय-गर्व था झलक रहा॥
मैंने पूछा 'यह क्या लायी?' बोल उठी वह 'माँ, काओ'।
हुआ प्रफुल्लित हृदय खुशी से मैंने कहा - 'तुम्हीं खाओ'॥
पाया मैंने बचपन फिर से बचपन बेटी बन आया।
उसकी मंजुल मूर्ति देखकर मुझ में नवजीवन आया॥
मैं भी उसके साथ खेलती खाती हूँ, तुतलाती हूँ।
मिलकर उसके साथ स्वयं मैं भी बच्ची बन जाती हूँ॥
जिसे खोजती थी बरसों से अब जाकर उसको पाया।
भाग गया था मुझे छोड़कर वह बचपन फिर से आया॥
- सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान
Vaastu Tips | Acharya Indu Prakash Mishra Official Website
Vaastu Tips Acharya Indu Prakash Mishra Official Website :
To know vastu tips by Acharya Indu Prakash Misra visit his website . The vastu Tips mentioned on his site are simple , easy and practical to implement.
- Buildings should not have water tank in their center.
- The house should not have opening in South direction.
- You can place electric equipments in the East side of the house.
- You can place electronic equipments in the North-East side of the house.
- North-East is also best for Poojaghar and study room.
To know vastu tips by Acharya Indu Prakash Misra visit his website . The vastu Tips mentioned on his site are simple , easy and practical to implement.
My Best Friend Vanessa
This particular one is dedicated to one of the most important person in my life...... my best friend "Vanessa "....... The first friend in my life..... No actually I knew loads of people .. had loads of so called friends.....always surrounded by people..... as she always keeps saying....
I still can't forget about the day when we first met... it was class 8th... I was still one of those stupid kids who were busy with those little pranks and like it happened every year, a newcomer had joined our class.Who else would be, our timid little Vanessa. I looked up and saw a small tiny image with really bushy hair and spectacles bigger than her face standing in front of me. She was so scared and so quiet. As the period got over I decided to make friends. Little did i knew that this way would lead me to a person so pure at heart and so angelic. I said to her " hi , I am somya mishra , I sit there If you want we could be friends till u don't find anyone else to be friends with"...... and the little scared girl nodded.... gradually we became best of friends... as i was a chatter box I used to tell her all sorts of stories and she kept on listening to them.
Slowly are friendship deepened we started sharing our tiffin( to be honest I started eating her tiffin tooo... I loved the banana wafers and cheese cubes). I was weak in english so she helped me and she was weak in Hindi so I helped her. One day we had to write an essay in hindi, I first dictated her the essay and then completed mine. Next day our class teacher Mrs Indu Kakkar Called Vanessa after reading her essay saying that It was the best essay in the class and praised her a lot. As soon as mam said this she became totally red. I can't forget her face but secretly I felt so proud... N days after that she was really upset about it .... Thats y i call her a sweetheart.... days passed n slowly we started enjoying together.... gradually we knew each other in and out....
We had Ice creams together,tiffiin together got punished together played together wrote poems talked for hours Cried for each other and stood by each other when the other needed us. Its been nearly 10 years now.... woow a really long time.... n still the bond is just tooo strong......
she see's only the best in me and is always like a push for me when i am hesitant like a hand for me too pull when I fall , Like a Candle when I need Light and most of all Like a Road when i need way. Honestly Veni... u are my phoneix. U are one Of the best person I have ever met.. Sweetheart U have the purest of all heart I have ever seen... U are angel , only without wings....
Cheers to our friendship sweetheart.... Hope we stay the same.... forever.... Love u loads to my best se bahut zyada friend......
Is it too late .. or just a small wait.....
Well its been a really long time when I last visited ma blog.....and Long Long time since whn i have written any thing ...... hoping to come up wid some thing soon.... it just I have been in the thought process....... see u soon wid some thing new
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Welcome to the Blog Of Somya Mishra.
By Profession I am an Radio Host. I Host a Drive time show Monday Through Friday between 7.30 to 9.30 EST. My Blog Has Poems, Lifestyle tips, Bollywood and Indian Telly Gossip. Sun signs and Festival Updates
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