Sometimes it rains sometimes its sunny

Sometimes it rains sometimes its sunny,
Looking At the the sky I find it funny,

I looked up at the sky It looks so clear,
There is absolutely no cloud and nothing to fear,

But this climate change makes me so confused,
I can't figure out is it just night or has the bulb fused.....

Why is all this change making me smile,
I stand alone and think for a while,

The answer is so very obvious and so straight,
It directly related with you mate....

Sometime you give several bunches of flower,
and othertimes you don't even look at me for hour.......

Sometimes you giggle at everything I say,
other times you don't even smile for the entire day,

Sometimes you make me feel as if I own the world,
other times you make me realize , I am nothing but an ordinary gal....

Sometimes you sit without any complain by my side,
Other times I cant even see your smallest sight......

Sometimes you keep telling you are just mine.....
other times you tell me some part of you is all I have, is that fine....

I love it when you say I love you, or you shout and tell me to go to sleep at just nine,
But I love you the most when you say " Darling, you are just mine"......................



  1. Nice writing... your words are simple and they convey a lot of emotions!! really nice..

  2. thanks ya venice ... Its just wat i feellll


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